Lawn Top Dressing

Top dressing is the process of applying a thin layer of soil over the surface of an existing lawn. There are a number of reasons for top dressing which determine the type of soil to be used, such as –

  • Leveling – Particularly for clients who use a cylinder mower on their lawn, a level surface is very important to prevent scalping. Top dressing will fill in any low areas and create a more even surface. For this, we would use Fine washed sand.
  • Seed germination – When we oversow lawns, it is important to achieve good seed to soil contact for good germination. Maintaining moisture during the germination process is also very important. For these reasons, we use a blend of Fine washed sand/topsoil for oversowing.
  • Improve existing soil structure – We can improve poor soil profiles by core aerating and then backfilling the core holes with either Fine washed sand to improve infiltration or compost to improve organic matter and biology.

Tommy’s Turf has access to a wide range of high quality soils and can tailor our top dressing service to the requirements of your lawn. Top dressing is a very labour intensive job, we have the best equipment which allows us to complete top dressing jobs of varying sizes with ease.


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