In this article, we’ll explore some common problems with lawns in the Canberra and Queanbeyan region, and why aeration is important for maintaining a healthy lawn.

What is the first thing people do when they see their lawn struggling? Either put more water or fertiliser on. 

The truth is, It doesn’t matter how much fertiliser and water you put on your lawn if it is not getting down to the rootzone where it is needed. 

We see this a lot in the Canberra region, people are spending a lot of money on fertilisers every year only to have it washing away or evaporating before it gets to where it is needed.

There are a number of causes for this, such as


Compacted soil is a common issue in many lawns, particularly in areas with high foot traffic or where cars are parked on them.

Over time, the soil becomes densely packed, restricting the movement of air, water, and nutrients to the rootzone. This compaction hinders the development of a robust root system, making the lawn more susceptible to heat stress and other problems.

Soil type:

The natural clay soils prevalent in the Canberra and Queanbeyan region exacerbate compaction issues. Heavy soils with high silt and clay content are more susceptible to compaction due to their smaller particle size. 

Thatch Buildup:

Thatch, a layer of dead grass and roots that accumulates on the soil surface, is another common problem. Thatch buildup can impede the flow of air, water and nutrients to the rootzone.

How does aeration help your lawn?

Lawn coring, or aeration, is a highly effective solution to combat compaction and thatch buildup. This process involves removing small plugs of soil from the lawn, creating a pathway for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate and reach the root zone. This encourages root development and enhances the overall resilience of the lawn.

You will see a significant improvement in your lawn from aeration alone, however if you combine it with a good quality wetting agent and watering schedule you will get even better results. Let me explain.

Wetting Agents:

Wetting agents are a valuable tool for addressing water run-off and localised dry spots in your lawn. Wetting agents improve water penetration in compacted soils and help prevent water runoff. By breaking down the surface tension of water, wetting agents ensure that moisture can penetrate compacted or thatchy lawns to effectively reach the root zone. See our range of wetting agents or for more information read our wetting agent guide

Cyclic watering:

Cyclic watering is an irrigation practice that breaks up your watering time into smaller cycles, allowing water to soak deeper into the soil. If an area is watered too fast for too long, many soils can’t absorb it quick enough, resulting in run-off. For example, if you need to water your lawn for 30 minutes, break this down into 3×10 minute cycles.


If you would like to aerate your lawn, the best way to go about it is to use a cam driven corer. These machines give deep, clean holes. Lawn aeration is a relatively inexpensive way to improve your lawn and will help you save money spent on excess water and fertiliser. 

All of our aeration jobs are completed with a professional cam driven coring machine. You will find that it is often cheaper to get us in to aerate your lawn than it is to hire a machine.

Fill in our quote form to find out more.